Monday, November 22, 2010


instants: An accident
Accident can be defined as "a sudden detrimental happening not necessarily but most triggered by human reacklessness violating the immutable natural laws".Lie is certain,  fleeting and unpredictable in its nature. Man is exceedingly conscious to adopt adequate measures for his security and safety; but inspite of his efforts and struggle he can not escape from the clutches of "Nature red in tooth and claw".We daily qbserve accidents of various kinds occuring at different places all around the world. Thousands of people lose theri precious lives in thi s acciednt and many are crippled for life . perhaps the surging stream of human body is not enough to satitate the unquenchable thirst of furious fate .
As shakspeare says:-
                                          "As flies to wanton boys are we to the god
                                                      They kill us for their sport"
                                                   ""  ACCIDENTS ARE REALLY DANGEROUS.""

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